Audience: School and District Admins with paid subscriptions
There are a few different ways you can set up teachers who don't have classes in your SIS.
You can use Clever's Custom Section feature to create classes using the student data that is already imported to Clever for teachers who do not have classes in your SIS. This will allow teachers to use Clever SSO to access their classes, and students using Clever SSO, Email, SSO (Google, Microsoft, Okta, etc.), or Home Learning Code sign-in will be able to view all of their classes without needing to sign in or out. Rostering enrollments will need to be managed by Clever admin.
Teachers will be able to view student posts from other classes using the Schoolwide Portfolio feature.
You can use CSV Rostering to create classes for teachers after the initial Clever sync has been completed. If teachers do not have an account yet, the CSV Roster will create an account for them. When creating your CSV, please be sure to use the SIS_ID from Clever as the Student ID in the template (SourcedID in Classlink) to ensure existing student accounts are enrolled in new classes rather than duplicate accounts created.
This rostering method will not allow teachers to use Clever SSO to access their classes, however, students using Clever SSO, Email, SSO (Google, Microsoft, Okta, etc.), or Home Learning Code sign-in will be able to view all of their classes without needing to sign in or out. Rostering enrollments can be managed by a Seesaw Admin or the teacher. Teachers will be able to view student posts from other classes using the Schoolwide Portfolio feature.
1. Navigate to the Teachers tab.
2. Tap Add & Update Teachers in Bulk.
3. Tap Add NEW teachers.
5. Back at the CSV Bulk Edit tool, tap Continue, then tap Select CSV from Computer to upload your new teachers’ data.
6. Tap Continue and review your changes!
Teachers can create their own classes and roster the students that they see. This method is great for teachers who have rosters that fluctuate quite regularly. Teachers can create a class by clicking on their Profile Icon > Create Class. From there they can enroll students into their class using their Student ID (the SIS_ID from Clever if you are Clever syncing district, the SourcedID if you are a ClassLink syncing district).
This class creation and adding of students must be done from a computer. If teachers work at multiple schools, please make sure they are connected to all school dashboards so that they can create classes for each group of students.
You can add teachers to existing classes as co-teachers to grant them access to the student's journals. For existing teachers, you can manage their class connections from the school dashboard > Teacher Tab > Edit Teacher > Manage Classes > Add/Remove from Classes.
Teachers can also invite other teachers to join their class at any time.
We typically do not recommend this option for teachers who see just a small number of students across a large number of classes due to the high number of class notifications the teacher will receive.