How to add or remove additional School Administrators

3.png Audience: Administrators

Admins can add or remove principals, tech coordinators, IT, and other school admins to your Seesaw Dashboard. You can add up to 50 administrators to your school dashboard.

Please be thoughtful about who you give admin access to. Seesaw administrators have full access to your school dashboard and can modify school data and settings anytime. 

To access Manage School Administrators, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your admin account at
2. On any tab, tap on the gear icon (top right) to access your School Settings.

3. Tap Manage School Administrators.

How do I invite other Admins?

Navigate to Manage School Administrators by following the steps at the top of this page.

Enter the email address of the administrators you'd like to invite.

Choose your preferred invite method: generate a unique link that can be copy and pasted, or send an email invite. (Note: Invite links can only be used once and will expire 2 days after generated).

The newly invited admin will need to check their email and accept the invite in order to access your school dashboard. View the steps to accept an admin invite here

How do I know who has admin access for my school?
Navigate to Manage School Administrators by following the steps at the top of this page. Review the names listed under Current Administators.
How do I remove an Admin from my school?
Navigate to Manage School Administrators by following the steps at the top of this page. Under Current Administrators, tap Remove on any administrators who no longer need access.

How do I add or remove District Administrators?
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