How to change the email domain for your school

3.png Audience: Administrators

If the email domain for the teachers, students, or admin at your school will be changing, there are a couple of steps to take to ensure that all account data is properly updated. This will help to ensure that no duplicate accounts are inadvertently created.
Adding a new domain to your school dashboard
Please follow the steps in How to add a trusted domain to your school to add the new domain to your dashboard.
Updating existing teacher and admin accounts
Please ensure that teachers and admins who have existing accounts log into their Seesaw account and update their email address.

1. Tap the profile icon.
2. Tap the gear icon.
3. Select Account Settings.
4. Tap your email address.
5. Input the new email address and tap the Update Email button.

Note: If your school changes domains between academic years, Seesaw Support can assist with updating teacher email addresses in bulk.
Update existing student accounts
If you need to update the domain on a small number of student accounts, you can go to the Students tab of your school dashboard and use Edit Student to make this change. If you need to update the email addresses of all students on your school dashboard in bulk, you can do so by:

1. Signing into your admin account.
2. Go to the School Dashboard > Student Tab.
3. Tap on the Add or Edit Students in Bulk tool.
4. Download current student data.
5. Make changes to the student's email addresses on the file.
6. Save the updated file as a .csv file and then upload using the CSV Bulk Edit tool.

For more info about using the CSV Bulk Edit tool, click here!

Important Note: with email addresses changing to this new domain, the email address associated with these accounts will need to be updated before you roster in the fall. You can bulk update  accounts using our Admin Bulk Update tool on the Student Tab and Teachers Tab, respectively.

⚠️ We suggest that accounts with a domain change are edited within Seesaw before users try to sign in with their updated email addresses to ensure that duplicate accounts are not created. If duplicate accounts are created, you can merge student accounts together. However, teacher accounts cannot be merged. 


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