District and School Engagement Dashboards

3.png Audience: School and District Administrators with school and district subscriptions

Engagement dashboards allow administrators to better understand teacher, student, and family Seesaw usage at both the School and District levels. At the School level, this includes data like teacher and student platform activity, number of activities assigned, family visits/interactions, highlighted student posts, and much more! At the District level, admins can see data rolled up from the School level to understand usage across the district better.

Note: The District Engagement Dashboard is available only with Seesaw Instructions & Insights District purchases.


How to access Engagement data

  1. Log in to your admin account at the School or District level.  
  2. Locate the Engagement Analytics tab on the Dashboard. 
  3. Filter by different timeframes for Current school year, Current month, or Last month.
  4. Use the option to Export Data by the different timeframes to be sent to your email.

What is included in the Engagement Dashboard? 

District Engagement Dashboard

District At a Glance provides a high-level overview of key district metrics.

Student Posts: Number of responses to activities and posts added by teachers or students. One student responding to three activities counts as three.

Teachers Logged In: The number of unique teachers who have logged in. One teacher logging in four times counts as one.

Students Logged In: The number of unique students who have logged in. One student logging in four times counts as one.

Family Logged In: The number of unique family members who have logged in. One family member logging in four times counts as one.

Student Posts Created by Month
Student posts include responses to activities and posts added by teachers or students represented in a bar graph. 

Usage by School
Engagement is listed by School Name within a school.

Highlighted Student Posts
Highlighted student posts have been added to the Highlights folder to showcase memorable student work.  

Student Posts with High Impact
Students have higher test scores when they have posted using voice, video, or have family member visits.

Activities Taught by Library
Engagement is listed by Libraries along with the percentage of Activities Taught per Library.

Activities Taught
Listed Activities by Activity name, Created by, Grade Levels Taught, and Times Taught. (Times Taught is the number of times an activity is assigned to any number of students.)

Usage by Teacher
Engagement is listed by Teacher Name along with Grade Levels, School Name, and Activities Taught.

School Engagement Dashboard

School At a Glance provides an overview of individual school metrics.

Student Posts: Number of responses to activities and posts added by teachers or students. One student responding to three activities counts as three.

Teachers Logged In: The number of unique teachers who have logged in. One teacher logging in four times counts as one.

Students Logged In: The number of unique students who have logged in. One student logging in four times counts as one.

Family Logged In: The number of unique family members who have logged in. One family member logging in four times counts as one.

Student Posts Created by Month
Student posts include responses to activities and posts added by teachers or students represented in a bar graph. 

Usage by Class
Engagement is listed by Class Name within a school.

Highlighted Student Posts
Highlighted student posts have been added to the Highlights folder to showcase memorable student work.  

Student Posts with High Impact
Students have higher test scores when they have posted using voice, video, or have family member visits.

Family Engagement

Family Logged In: The number of unique family members who have logged in. One family member logging in 4 times counts as 1. 

Comments: The number of comments added to student posts by family members. One family member adding 2 comments counts as 2. 

Messages Sent: The total number of Messages sent by all users. This includes announcements, group and one-on-one Messages. 

Activities Taught by Library
Engagement is listed by Libraries along with the percentage of Activities Taught per Library.

Activities Taught
Listed Activities by Activity name, Created by, Grade Levels Taught, and Times Taught. (Times Taught is the number of times an activity is assigned to any number of students.)


Why does my Engagement Dashboard look different?
We made some exciting, new changes for Back to School '24.  These changes bring you the most insightful data on teacher, student, and family engagement that can be broken down by role, school, and activity.

How did the data change for Family members? 
Engagement data on family members captures family member logins instead of data on connected family members.  

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