How to manage Class Settings

decorative Audience: Teachers and Admins

Class Settings is where teachers are able to customize their Seesaw class. You can name your class, select your grade level, invite teachers, and select a class color scheme and class icon. Additionally, teachers can manage students and sign in modes, manage families, set up a blog, and manage folders.

Keeping student data safe is Seesaw’s top priority, which is why we have several class settings that allow teachers and admins total control over the privacy of their classrooms.

Teachers can view and edit class settings by clicking on the wrench icon.

Some settings may have already been changed by your admin at the school level. For more info about schoolwide settings, click here

Class Settings
Class name: name your class.

Grade level: select your grade level.

Manage teachers: Invite co-teachers, either by sending them an email invite or generating a co-teacher sign-in link. Remember: All teachers in a class have the same permissions!

Class Theme: select a color theme for your class. Simply tap on Class Theme and select your preferred color! Class color theme can be changed at any time. 

Class Icon: select an icon to represent your class.

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Student sign-in mode: Gives an overview of the 3 sign-in modes (Class Code - Shared Devices, Class Code - 1:1 Devices, and Email/SSO) and allows you to change the login method for your class. Note: Changing the sign-in mode will sign out all students in class, and they will have to log back in using the new sign-in mode.

Manage students: Can view/update student information, add a student’s family members, and download their Home Learning Codes.

Home Learning Student Codes: If enabled by the school admin, teachers can use this tab to print download Home Learning Codes for their students. Admin can enable or disable this feature at any time by going to the school dashboard > Admin Tools > Edit School Settings > Teacher Access to Generating Home Learn Codes (toggle on/off). Note: Turning on Home Learning Codes will make students unable to see each other's work; however, they will still be able to see all posts that they are tagged in.

Student likes and comments: Enable/disable the ability for students to like and comment on their classmates’ posts.

Students can see each other’s work toggle: Enable/disable the ability for students to view each other’s posts in the class journal. Note: Changing this setting will sign out all student devices and students will have to log back in. By default, all students can see each other’s work.  This includes posts by the student and posts the student is tagged in, either by you or by other students. To make student Journals private, turn this setting off in Class Settings (🔧). Scroll down to the STUDENTS section and toggle the button OFF for 'Students can see each other's work'. 

New items require approval toggle: If toggled on, student posts will have to be approved by a teacher before they are uploaded to the journal and visible to connected family members.

Item editing: Enable/disable the ability for students to edit posts as well as enable/disable students to edit who is tagged in posts (note: even if Home Learning Codes are in use, students will still be able to tag each other in posts). 

If you are seeing a student journal post or Activity response in the wrong student journal, it is possible that the 'Edit People' function was used to tag the student post to a different student.

If the setting “Allow students to edit who is tagged in posts’ is toggled ON in your class, then students will have access to the Edit People function when they tap the [...] button on a journal post. To prevent this, simply tap the toggle OFF.

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Enable family access toggle: Allows family members to see what their students are working on in Seesaw.

Invite families: Invite family members via email or phone number. Also gives options to print invites or share an invite link.

Manage families: Shows who has family members connected as well as allows teachers to remove family members for any reason.

Pending family approvals: Shows requests from family members (who were invited via printed invite or invite link) trying to connect to their student’s journal.

Family likes, commenting, and sharing: Allows teachers to enable/disable the ability for family members to like and comment on their student’s posts (as well as gives teachers the ability to approve those comments). Also enables/disables the ability for family members to share links to their student’s Seesaw posts. Note: Links to specific Seesaw journal posts can only be accessed if shared by a teacher, family, or student account. Links are not searchable.

Class Blog

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Enable blog toggle: Enable/disable the classroom blog. More info about blogs here!

Note: the following settings will not show up unless“Enable blog” is switched ON.

Students can post to blog toggle: Allows students to publish their completed posts to the class blog. 

Blog settings: Enable/disable the ability to show folders on class blog, enable/disable comments on class blog (note: all comments on blog posts require teacher approval), and enable/disable password protection for the blog. More info about blog privacy here

Connected blogs: Gives you the ability to connect to other classrooms in Seesaw by adding their blog URL. More info about connected blogs here!


Manage folders

Show add to folder step


Reset Class QR Code and Family Invite Codes: Resetting the class codes will deactivate the current codes. Students will be signed out and must sign back in by scanning the new student QR code. If any family members have not yet connected to the class, they will need a new invite handout or invite link.

Archive class: Archives the class.

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