Audience: Admins with school or district subscriptions
Use Highlights to capture students' best work for conferences, to keep a running folder of mastery of learning, and more! The highlights folder is easily accessible from anywhere you access folders in Seesaw. You can also view all Highlights in Journal feeds. When assigning activities or when creating student posts, you can choose to add work to the Highlight folders.
🌟 Learn more about Visibility settings for posts so you can customize visibility of Highlights.
Seesaw admins have the ability to pull Student and Class activity reports for 7 day periods from both the School and District dashboard! These reports can be used to check how often classes and students are utilizing Seesaw, and the interaction users are having with the platform.
- Tap ‘Get Student Activity Report’ from the 'Admin Tools' section of the school dashboard.
- Tap ‘Get Student Activity Report.’
- Administrators will receive an email with two links to download CSVs of the recent student activity, by student and by class.
- Tap ‘Get Student Activity Report’ from the District Dashboard.
- Tap ‘Get Student Activity Report.’
- Administrators will receive an email with a link to download a CSV of the recent student activity.
The term ‘Active’ means that the student signed in, read an announcement, or completed work.
- In many columns, a student being ‘Active’ is noted by a ‘1.’ If the student wasn’t active, the cell will be blank.
- Comments: Student comments only (does not include teacher or family comments)
- Total Posts counts both approved and drafts (it does not include pending posts)
- Teacher Name is based on the Display Name (shown in the Class Report). If the teacher does not have a Display Name in Seesaw, this will be blank.
- Please note: The Student Activity Reports are dated Month/Date/Year.
By student:
1. Student Name
2. Student ID
3. Grade Level
4. Last Active Date
5. Dates Active in Past Week
6. Posts Added to Student Journal in Past Week
7. Comments in Past Week
8. Posts Added to Student Journal Yesterday
9. Comments Yesterday
10. Days With Posts Added to Student Journal in Past Week
11. Days Comments in Past Week
12. Connected Family Members
13. Active Yesterday (1 = yes)
14. Active in Last 7 Days (1 = yes)
15-21. Active on [Date]
22. Link to Student Portfolio
By class:
1. Class Name
2. Grade Level
3. Student Name
4. Student ID
5. Last Active Date
6. Posts Added to Student Journal Yesterday
7. Posts Added to Student Journal in Past Week
8. Comments Yesterday
9. Comments in Past Week
10. Activities Responded to Yesterday (List)
11. Activities Responded to in Past Week (List)
12. Activities Assigned in Past 2 Weeks with No Response (List)
13. Link to Class
14. Link to Full Student Portfolio
15. Teachers
By district:
1. School Name
2. Student Name
3. Student ID
4. Grade Level
5. Last Active Date
6. Dates Active in Past Week
7. Posts Added to Student Journal in Past Week
8. Comments in Past Week
9. Posts Added to Student Journal Yesterday
10. Comments Yesterday
11. Days With Posts Added to Student Journal in Past Week
13. Days Comments in Past Week
14. Connected Family Members
15. Active Yesterday (1 = yes)
16. Active in Last 7 Days (1 = yes)
17-22. Active on [Date]
23. Link to Student Portfolio
24. Link to School Dashboard