CSV Rostering FAQs

Please check out our Technical Steps for Administrators resource for more information!

Below you will find answers to our most frequently asked CSV Rostering questions.

We used CSV rosters last year. Can we use Clever or ClassLink this year?

Yes! You can use Clever or ClassLink this year, even if you have used CSV Rosters to create Classes in the past.

When Clever and Seesaw sync for the first time, Clever will search for existing students to update their accounts and enroll them in their new classes. In order for Clever to find existing students in Seesaw, the Student ID field in Seesaw must match the SIS ID field in Clever. Seesaw can not match on Student Number or State ID fields. 

The process is the same for ClassLink. However, for ClassLink to find existing students in Seesaw, the Student ID field in Seesaw must match the SourcedID field in ClassLink. Seesaw cannot match on Student Number or State ID fields.  

Optionally, if your students have email addresses connected to their accounts in Seesaw, that will serve as a unique identifier for Clever and ClassLink. The sync will be able to locate those existing accounts and update their accounts. 

You can find our Rostering Guides below: 

Clever Rostering Success Plan
ClassLink Rostering Success Plan

Can students be enrolled in multiple classes?

Yes! Students can be enrolled in multiple classes. The student ID is how we link students across classes in your dashboard. You can roster a student in multiple classes in your .csv template. The student will be rostered in all classes when the .csv is uploaded. You can find more information about uploading your .csv roster template here!

Can I upload multiple .csv files?

Yes, if you are creating and rostering different classes with each upload. For instance, if you want to roster your 1st grade classes this week, and your 2nd grade classes next week, you can import two different .csv files to Seesaw.

Warning: Uploading a new classes .csv with rostering updates will not update existing classes. Any rostering updates that you would like to make should be made by manually enrolling students in Classes, or with the CSV Bulk Edit tool on the Student's tab on the School dashboard.

You can manually enroll a student in a class by tapping the Student Tab > Search the student > Tap [...] > Tap Edit Student > Manage Classes > Add to Classes.

How do I add new students to existing classes?

With the CSV Bulk Edit tool, found on the Student Tab of the School Dashboard, you can create new students and enroll new and existing students in classes. 

To Create a New Student: 

  1. Create a copy of this Create Student template.
  2. Enter your student's First Name, Last Name, Student ID, Email address, and password. 
    Note: Google Accounts do not need a password.
  3. Export the sheet as a .csv.
  4. Navigate to the Student Tab of your School Dashboard.
  5. Tap Add or Edit Students in Bulk and upload the .csv.
  6. Your students will be created and ready to be enrolled in classes. 

To enroll new or existing students in classes (in bulk)

  1. Make a copy of the Update Student sheet.
  2. Enter student's First Name, Last Name, Email, Student ID, and Attends Class IDs.
    Note: You should delete any columns that you are not updating; ex: Clever IDs, ClassLink IDs, Student Active Orgs, Student Archived Orgs. 
  3. In the Attends Class IDs column, enter the Class IDs for each class that you want to enroll students into. If you're adding them to multiple classes, separate the Class IDs with commas. Note: You can get a list of your Class IDs by tapping the Classes Tab > Tapping the [...] menu > tapping Download CSV of Class Rosters. 
  4. Export this sheet as a .csv and navigate to the Students Tab of the School Dashboard.
  5. Tap 'Add or Edit Students in Bulk' and upload the .csv. Your students should be enrolled in their Classes shortly!


Why have my Classes been duplicated?

Typically this is because you have uploaded multiple .csvs to Seesaw.

You can archive these Classes in order to clean up your dashboard data!
How to archive Classes in bulk:

1. Tap the [...] button on the Classes Tab.

2. Download CSV of Class Rosters.

3. Open the .csv and navigate to the Is Archived? Column.

4. Change the cells to TRUE for any Classes you want to archive.

5. Save the .csv and navigate back to the School Dashboard.

6. Tap 'Add or Edit Classes in Bulk,' then tap 'EDIT existing classes,' and upload your .csv.

The selected classes will archive in bulk, leaving the other classes active.

Please note that with paid subscriptions, family members will be able to see all archived classes as well as active classes. To clean up their view, you can turn off Family Access in the classes that you archive. 

Select "Class Settings" on the class you'd like to edit > scroll down and toggle OFF "Enable family access". The class will then be hidden from family members. 

My class rosters stay the same from year-to-year. Do I still have to archive my Seesaw classes?
Even if your student rosters/class lists remain the same each year, it is still best practice to archive your Seesaw Classes prior to a new school year. Archiving your Seesaw Classes at the end of each year ensures that all student work remains organized and is available to students, teachers, and families from year to year via their historical portfolios.

For more information about rostering, check out our technical steps for administrators!

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