How to import class rosters with CSV

3.png Audience: Administrators with school and district subscriptions

Administrators can set up your school's classes, teacher, and student accounts in bulk with CSV rostering. This is quicker and easier than creating accounts one at a time.

⚠️ We highly recommend creating NEW classes each year and archiving old ones instead of reusing the previous year's classes. Before you create any new classes for the upcoming school year, double-check that you have completed the steps in our End of Year Guide. 

CSV Rostering Instructions

  1. Sign in to your Seesaw Admin Account to access your School Dashboard(s) at
  2. Tap Import & Edit Class Rosters on the Overview tab.CleanShot 2024-02-16 at 14.10.53@2x.png
  3. Tap Add NEW Classes.

  4. Download the blank CSV Template and fill it out with your class information. While on the tab with your data, save the file as a .csv file to your computer.
    If you are outside of the United States, please read Setting Up Your Class Rosters with CSV outside of the United States.
  5. Tap Select CSV from Computer to upload your file.
  6. When the upload has gone through, you’ll see a pop-up with data to review. Please check these files to make sure that the updates went through as you expected!

💡 View the below training deck for more in-depth information!

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