Transitioning from CSV to Clever/ClassLink

Admins who used CSV to roster this year and plan to roster with Clever or ClassLink next year can end the year in 4 steps.

Note: Clever or Classlink is exclusively a Seesaw District feature.

✅ Pre-requisite: Please make sure to sign in to your Seesaw Admin Account before moving on to Step 1.

Step 1: Add IDs and Merge Students

Add Student IDs

  1. On each of your School Dashboards under Admin Tools, tap 'Assign Missing Student IDs'.
  2. Type in each student’s Student ID.
    • Clever: Make sure the Student ID in Seesaw matches the SIS_ID in Clever
    • ClassLink: Make sure the Student ID in Seesaw matches the SourcedID in ClassLink.
  3. If adding IDs to students in select classes, use the 'Filter by' option to filter by class
  4. Tap 'Save'.

Note: Students in Email/Google Classes will not appear in the Missing IDs section. Their Student IDs can be added when you roster in the fall.

Merge Students

  1. While you’re adding IDs for students, an option to merge will appear if the ID is already in use.
  2. Tap 'ID in use by [Student Name]. Click here to merge' to merge the two journals into one.
  3. Follow the steps to merge the student journals into one account. Learn more about merging journals here.

🚩Make sure student information is correct. This merge cannot be undone.

Step 2: Bulk Archive Classes
  1. On your District Dashboard under District Admin Tools, tap 'Archive Old Classes'.
  2. Select a Date to archive any classes created before that date! Learn more about archiving classes in bulk here

Note: Bulk archive classes BEFORE you archive students because you can only archive students if they are not enrolled in an active class.

Step 3: Bulk Archive Student Accounts
  1. On each of your School Dashboards under Admin Tools, tap 'Archive Student Accounts'.
  2. Seesaw will tell you exactly how many students are going to be archived.
  3. Tap 'Archive Old Student Accounts' to continue.

Note: No data will be deleted without your permission. Archived students will still be in your dashboard, but they will not be taking up licenses. Restore them at any time by following these steps.

Step 4: Request Seesaw in Clever or ClassLink

Request the Seesaw App in Clever

In your Clever Admin account:

  • Tap Applications > Add Application
  • Search for Seesaw (Rostering) and follow the prompts to add Seesaw to your list of applications

Download the Roster Server App in ClassLink

In your ClassLink Admin Account:

  • Install Roster Server
  • This makes OneRoster format data available to Seesaw and is where you configure your sharing rules
  • Contact Seesaw Support and let our team know you need your district dashboard connected to ClassLink.

Note: This is a different application than the SSO application.

At the start of next school year, complete all setup steps, including a full sync to create classes in Seesaw. Find set up steps and resources here.


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