Audience: Administrators and Teachers
Administrators and teachers receive notifications from a variety of triggers in Seesaw. For example, teachers are notified of unapproved student work and family member connection requests. Administrators receive a weekly summary email and a student activity report email. Notifications can be toggled on or off at any time.
Learn more about student notifications and family notifications!
Alerts for Notifications
Alerts to new notifications occur in two key places in Seesaw. Look for the red "jewel" in the Notifications center tab:
And in your profile:
The notifications alert also appears in the app icon, classes list, and Messages.
Changing Notifications Settings
Notifications can be toggled on or off at any time.
- Tap your profile icon in the upper left corner.
- Tap the Account Settings gear.
- Go to Class Notifications.
Office Hours
Office Hours gives teachers and administrators the option to set when they are available and have all notifications muted outside of those times. Family members or students who want to send a message outside of office hours will see a banner in the messaging thread, notifying them that it is outside of the recipient's office hours. Learn more about configuring Office Hours!
Email Notifications
If enabled, administrators will receive emails for actions such as:
- a new Message or Announcement in Seesaw
- a class is archived
- weekly summary report
- student activity report
- roster sync completions
If enabled, teachers will receive emails for actions such as:
- a new Message or Announcement in Seesaw
- confirming family connection
- student password change
- a class is archived
- weekly summary report
Push Notifications
Do not receive push notifications unless they also have a Seesaw teacher or family profile.
If enabled, teachers will receive push notifications from the Seesaw app on their mobile device. No phone number needs to be on the account for push notifications. Push notifications are sent for actions such as:
- a new Message or Announcement in Seesaw
- new student posts
- confirming family connection
Tips, tricks, and Seesaw updates
Tips, tricks, and Seesaw updates are emails from Seesaw that are sent to users with tips on how to use Seesaw, product updates, and more!