How to view and share progress reports in Seesaw

When reviewing a student's post, teachers can add a star rating to capture the student's overall performance on the assignment. The star rating can be added to any student post.

💡 If you are new to using Progress, start here: Using the Standards View in the Progress tab

Assigning Star Ratings to Posts

  1. To add a star rating, tap the graduation cap icon at the bottom of a post to assign a Standard or view Standards that are already tagged to the post.
  2. Next, tap the number of stars you want to assign and tap the green Check.

Star ratings appear in the Progress tab.

These star ratings will not be visible to students or families, but a Progress Report can be shared with them at any time. 

Share Progress from Progress Dashboard (paid subscriptions only)

From the Progress Dashboard, Teachers can message connected family members with a text copy of progress information pre-filled. 
Note: if there are no connected family members, Teachers will be prompted to open the "Invite Families" page.

  1. Select a student from the Progress Dashboard. 
  2. In the modal, tap Message to Family
  3. A New Conversation will open with the message recipients and progress report summary pre-populated. 


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