How to move a student to a new school in your district

3.png Audience: District Admins and School Admins with Seesaw paid subscriptions

Moving students from one school to another can be done in just a few steps! 

Note: For Clever or ClassLink syncing districts, you do not need to manually move students between schools. When your SIS is updated, Clever or ClassLink will communicate those changes to Seesaw and your students will be moved to their new classes during the next nightly sync.

Step 1: Exporting student data
Student journals live in the class in which they were created, at the school dashboard where the classes are located. You can learn more about this process here.  If your student has posts that you want their new teacher to see, you will need to export a zip file of those posts. Students with email addresses or their current teacher can export their journal zip files. Tap here to find out how. 
Once that file downloads, you can email it to the student's new teachers as needed. 
Step 2: Moving the student's account

Students with email addresses can be moved to another school. If your student does not have an email address, you will need to create a new account for them in their new school. Their existing account can not be transferred. 

  1. Navigate to the school that they need to be added to.
  2. Tap on the 'Students' tab.
  3. Tap 'Add Individual Student.'
  4. Enter the student's information including Student ID and Email (email is mandatory).
  5. Tap 'Add Student.'

This will add the existing student into this additional dashboard while keeping their account connected to their original dashboard and classes as well.


Step 3: Add the student to their class(es)

Once added to their new school dashboard, you should be prompted to add the student to a class. If that prompt doesn't appear, you can search for the student and then tap Edit Student > Manage Classes > add to class to enroll them.

The student will be enrolled in their new school. You can feel free to remove them from their classes at their original school and archive their student account at that school if they are no longer attending classes there.

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