How do Teachers edit or delete a post

How to delete a post

  1. To delete a post, tap the [...] button in the lower right corner of the post.
  2. Select Delete Post from the dropdown.

⚠️ If you delete the post, it will be permanently deleted from the class. You will not be able to recover it.

How to edit a post

  1. To edit a post, tap the [...] button in the lower right corner of the post.
  2. Select Edit Post from the dropdown.

If item editing is enabled for your class, students can edit their own posts. Students can tap the [...] button below a post and choose 'Edit Item.' They can make their edits and resubmit the post for teacher approval.  

To enable item editing for your students:

  1. Tap the wrench in the top right corner.
  2. Tap Class Settings.
  3. Scroll to ‘item editing’ and turn ON 'Enable item editing'.

To prevent accidental edits to another student’s work in Shared Devices Sign in Mode, students are able to 'Copy & Edit' instead. This will duplicate the entry and the student can make their own edits on top and submit it for teacher approval.

If a post is tagged with more than one student, or tagged with 'Everyone' by the teacher, students will see a 'Copy & Edit' option instead of 'Edit Item.' This is to prevent accidental edits by one student on another student's work.


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