Competency-based learning stickers

3.png Audience: Teachers and Admin who currently implement Competency-based learning

Seesaw supports Competency-based Learning with year-over-year portfolios that track student growth, aligned with key competencies that extend beyond traditional assessments. Seesaw enables students to identify and hone the skills needed for success in a tech-driven, evolving world, empowering educators to design instruction that fosters real-world readiness and job skills.

Seesaw supports Portrait of a Graduate (POG), Portrait of a Learner (POL), Portrait of a Scholar, Competency-based education, 6-C's, 21st Century Readiness, College and Career Readiness, Future-Ready Learners.

Competency-Based Learning Stickers

Apply Seesaw's pre-made stickers to student artifacts to tag your preferred competencies. To view and download the stickers, visit the Competency Sticker Folder. To see the sticker and competency alignments, view our Competency Alignment Ledger.



How to Use the Competency-Based Learning Stickers

  • After selecting the sticker that you prefer, open the file, and copy the image (Mac: CMD + C, Windows: CTR + C) or download the image by tapping the and selecting "Download".
  • Once in the class journal, select the student's work you wish to apply the sticker too. Tap the button and select "Edit Activity".
  • Toggle to the page you wish to add the sticker to and paste the image (Mac: CMD + V, Windows: CTR + V) or import the downloaded sticker image. 
  • Once added to the student artifact, tap the Green Check button to save the activity. 




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