How to access student portfolios from previous years

3.png Audience: School and District Admins and Teachers

It's easy for Administrators and Teachers to browse student portfolios as they grow over time! Additionally, families and students can view work from previous years as well.

Admin Access to Historic Portfolio Data
  1. Sign in to Seesaw as an Admin.
  2. Navigate to the School Dashboard.
  3. Tap on the Students Tab.
  4. Search by Student Name or Student ID to locate the student you want to view.
  5. Tap on the student's name.
  6. This will direct you to a page with a list of the student’s classes.
  7. Use the filters on the right-hand side to navigate the student portfolio.
    1. View Portfolio as a list.
    2. View Portfolio in a calendar view.
  8. Tap on the class portfolio you want to view.

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Please note: the classes listed on the right-hand side will only display active and archived classes the student is currently enrolled in. If a student was removed from a class, their posts will be connected to their account, but you will need to scroll through the feed to find them. 


How to Enable Teacher Access to Historic Portfolio Data
  1. Sign in as an Administrator.
  2. Tap the gear Icon (right-hand side).
  3. In School Settings, toggle ON Teacher Access to Portfolio History.
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    Note: Teachers only have access to the data of students they currently teach. 

Send Teachers Instructions on How to Access Historic Portfolio Data

Hi Teachers,

You can now browse the prior years' portfolios of your new incoming students on the Seesaw website. Using this information, we can help our students pick up right where they left off last year.

To view past years' portfolios, please:

  1. Sign in as a teacher at
  2. Tap on your profile icon (top left).
  3. Tap on Schoolwide Portfolios.

Note: you will only have access to your current students’ portfolios. Please note this data is view only and not editable. 

Student Access to Past Work

Students who have an email address, Clever ID, SSO, or are logging in with a Home Learning Code can see their past work on the web. This view does not include access to posts in classes the student is no longer enrolled in. 

To view past work as a student:

  1. Sign in as a student at
  2. Tap your profile icon (top left).
  3. Tap Past Work
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  • Similar to the tools for admins and families, students can filter their past work by class or folder.
  • Past work includes all archived classes that they are enrolled in, including previous years.
  • Students can view their work in a journal view or calendar view.
  • Please note this data is view only and not editable. 
  • Students can download their Past Work by following the steps HERE


Family Access to Past Work

Connected Family members can view and download a .zip file of their student's past work. This view does not include access to posts in classes the student is no longer enrolled in. 

To view your child's past work:

  1. Sign in as a family member at
  2. Tap the Journals tab at the top.
    Portfolio 5.png
  3. Tap the name of the student whose journal you want to view.
  4. Tap the journal of the class you want to view - you can even view journals from archived classes!

To download your child's journal:

  1. Tap your profile icon (top left).
  2. Tap the gear icon.
    Portfolio 6.png
  3. Tap Account Settings.
  4. Scroll down to Journal Archives > Download Journal Archives.
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  5. Tap the Download Journal button for any journal(s) you want to download a .zip archive of. 
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Note: If a student is removed from a class during the school year and moved into a new class, the work from the original class will not show up in the new class journal. The family will also lose access to the class the child was removed from. However, this work is not deleted or disconnected from the student. It is accessible to Admin from the school dashboard and to teachers in Historic Portfolios.

📖 Family-friendly instructions are available in our Help Center here: How do families and students save and download student work

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