Using the School and District Library

3.png Audience: School and District Admins

Learn the basics of finding, saving, and sharing Lessons in School and District Libraries. Once Lessons are shared to a School and/or District Library, they can be organized into Collections.

Access your School and District Library
  1. From the School Dashboard go to Admin Tools in the lower right corner of the Overview tab.

  2. Select Browse School & District Library.

The School & District Library is organized into 3 sections.

  • Home shows all the School & District Library has to offer at a glance: Collections, Recently Added Activities, and All Activities in your School & District Library.
  • In Collections you can view Collections that have been created, create new Collections, and modify existing Collections.
  • Activities provides access to all Activities added to your School & District Library.
Save Lessons to My Library
  1. When viewing a Lesson, tap the heart Save icon to save it to your personal My Library tab.
  2. Select a Collection you would like to add the Lesson to. 

    If you do not select a Collection to add the Lesson to, it will be available by scrolling down to the section Activities not in a collection.

Share Lessons from My Library to School and District Library

To share a Lesson to your School and/or District Library:

  1. Tap the [...] and tap Share Lesson.

  2. Tap Share to share to School & District Libraries.
  3. Tap Share again to share with the pre-selected settings, or further customize as desired.
  4. Select Grades by tapping relevant checkboxes. 
  5. Select Subjects by tapping relevant checkboxes. 
  6. Select School and/or District as desired.
  7. Your Lesson is now shared with your School and/or District!

There are numerous ways to share Lessons in addition to sharing to School and/or District Libraries. Admins can also: send a message to teachers, email the lesson to teachers; share on social media; and copy activity links or activity embed codes. 

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