Translations of Seesaw resources

 👤 Audience: Seesaw Teachers

Teachers are able to print and share Family Invite letters translated in 15+ languages from Seesaw.

  • Spanish-US, LA
  • Spanish-Spain
  • French-Canada
  • French-France
  • German
  • Chinese-Simplified
  • Chinese-Traditional
  • Polish
  • Japanese
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Korean
  • Vietnamese
  • Somali

To print family invites in one of the languages above:

  1. Tap on the +Families button
  2. Choose Print Invites and then select the language from the dropdown. 
  3. Tap Print Invites.
  4. Your Family Invite letter will appear as a printable PDF. 

To create a Family Invite letter for your class in a language we don't support yet:

🚩You will need to translate the Family Invite letter into your preferred language. 

  1. Tap on the +Families button
  2. Tap Share an Invite Link.
  3. An Invite Link will be created. 
  4. Customize the letter with your Invite Link and names, so family members can connect to your class.





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