QR Code troubleshooting

There are a few reasons why you may be having trouble scanning your child's QR code. Find the most common causes and troubleshooting steps below:

1. Check that you have a valid Family invite from your child's teacher. The invite should have your child's name at the top, a list of instructions for connecting and a QR code.

2. If your QR code has been damaged (low ink, torn paper, code cut off) it will not scan properly. In this case, you can either ask the teacher for a new copy or type the URL at the bottom of the invite into any web browser. This is an alternative way to get access to your child’s journal.

3. Ensure you are scanning the QR code from within Seesaw. If you attempt to scan the QR code outside of the Seesaw app you will see a 'no usable data found' error message. 

4. Make sure you hold your QR code far enough away from your camera so that the entire image can scan. Holding the QR code too close to the camera will not allow the camera to properly read the QR code.

If you are looking for info about students signing into a class via QR code, tap here.

If you are looking for info about Home Learning Codes, tap here.


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