Android: Make sure you are uploading a supported video format. Seesaw supports .MP4 videos using video codec x264 and audio codecs mp3 or aac on Android.
iOS: For best results, upload videos using the iOS app. You can upload videos saved to the camera roll by tapping the "Camera Roll" button in Seesaw or by using the Open in / Share Extension features in other video apps.
Website: Make sure you are using the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox. Keep in mind, if your file is large, it will take a while to upload and process your video.
Your network or browser settings are likely blocking our video plugin. You must allow Javascript, popups, cookies, and access to the camera and microphone in order for Seesaw to work properly on your computer.
Step 1: Ask your tech team to allowlist network access and allow Javascript to run for these websites:
- * (i.e., anything
- In particular, MAKE SURE and are allowed.
Step 2: Make sure cookies and Javascript are allowed for Seesaw
Using Chrome Browsers
- On your computer, open Chrome.
- Go into Preferences or tap
- Go into Settings.
- Tap 'Privacy and Security.'
- Tap 'Cookies and other site data.'
- Make sure that 'Block third-party cookies' isn't checked.
- Back at the 'Privacy and security' menu, tap 'Site settings.'
- Under the 'Content' menu, tap 'Javascript.' Make sure that '<> Sites can use Javascript' is checked.
Under 'Customized behaviors' on the same page, make sure that no sites ending in show up on the blocked list. If you see Seesaw appear as blocked in this list, remove the exception by tapping the X button.
- Refresh your browser window to reload your new preferences
Here's an FAQ from Google about these controls with more information.
Step 3: Disable pop-up blockers for
We use pop-up windows for several tools, like video creation, video upload, file upload, manage class, etc.
Note: These changes will not help with video playback. If you’re having trouble playing videos please contact Seesaw support with the video URL.