Audience: Teachers
If you want to organise student work by subject area or learning objectives, you can create Folders in your class. Folders are visible to teachers and pupils, as well as family members if you have invited them to your class. To set and use folders in Seesaw, please follow the steps below.
Folders can be selected when assigning activities, when adding student posts, or by using the folders shortcut on any post. Teachers, pupils and families can filter by Folders in portfolios. Custom folders are available with paid subscriptions.
To create your folders tap on the wrench icon in the upper right corner to access Class Settings > Folders.
- In Manage Folders, select Create a Folder.
- From here you can name your folder and add a folder colour. Tap the green Check to save your new folder.
- An additional way to manage your folders is to tap the blue folder icon in your Class Journal feed and tap ManageFolders.
Teachers can add items to a Folder from the Journal view. Just tap the Folder icon below an item and choose which folder it should be added to and customise post visibility.
Post visibility will default to your class settings, or can be customised to teacher only or student, family, and teachers. Select your preferred visibility setting and tap Save.
If you want your pupils to be prompted to add work to folders, turn folders ON for your pupils.
How to turn folders ON for pupils:
- Tap the wrench icon.
- Scroll down to Show add to folder step.
- Toggle to Students and teachers.
- Tap the back arrow to save.
Your pupils will now be prompted to add work to folders when they add a post.
Note: Even if pupils are not prompted to add work to folders, they will still have the ability to edit the Folder that their journal posts are tagged to if Item Editing is enabled in your class. To do so, pupils can tap the [...] button and select 'Edit Folders.' If you do not want pupils to have the ability to edit Folders, you can disable Item Editing in your Class Settings.
2. Tap the folder you want to view.
2. Tap on the blue folder next to their name.