How to invite Family members to your school

Nothing gets families engaged with the classroom like seeing and hearing what their child is doing at school! Admins can invite student's family members to use Seesaw by following the below instructions:

How to view families connected by student
  1. Sign in to your admin account and navigate to your school dashboard.
  2. Tap on the ‘Students’ tab.
  3. Tap the ‘... menu’ > ‘Download CSV of Student Accounts’
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  4. Open the .csv to view which pupils have connected family members and find pupils who are missing family members. You can find this info by looking under the 'Connected Families' header: if there are email addresses and/or phone numbers listed, that student has connected family members; if the tab is blank, no one is connected to that student.


How to connect families to pupils in bulk

1. Sign in to your admin account and navigate to your school dashboard.

2. Tap on the ‘Families’ tab.

3. Tap ‘Add or Edit Families in Bulk.'CleanShot 2024-03-29 at 08.49.47.png

4. To add new family connections, tap 'Add NEW families.'
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5. Fill out the .csv with the family member's email OR mobile number, AND the connected student ID or email. (Note: Inviting via Moble Number is only available in the US and Canada)

6. Upload the .csv to Seesaw. Once it successfully uploads, families will receive an invitation (via text or email, depending on the data you provided) to view their pupils’ journals.

Family members will remain connected to their child’s journal year to year. They only need to connect to their child’s journal once to access all of their child’s journals from any classes they are enrolled in for the duration of their time at your school.



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