How to move a student post to an activity response

If a student has created a post, but it is not connected to an activity, the post can be moved to an activity response. 

  1. Tap the [...] button.
  2. Tap Save.
  3. Navigate to the activity.
  4. Tap Add Response and select the student's name.
  5. Tap Upload.
  6. Upload the post into that activity.

If a student has created a post, but it is not connected to an activity with a template, you can save that post and then upload it to the Activity responses directly over the original template.

  1. Tap the [...] button.
  2. Tap Save.
  3. Navigate to the activity.
  4. Tap Add Response and select the student's name.
  5. From the Creative Canvas, tap the Camera icon.
  6.    Tap Upload.

  7. The post will upload directly over the template. 

If the item is something like a note/image that includes audio, it's best to link to the item. 

  1. Tap the [...] button.
  2. Tap Share.
  3. Copy the link.
  4. Navigate to the activity and upload the link using the Link tool.

With the link option, don't delete the original post or the link will be broken! 

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