How to use the trusted IP networks feature

As an admin, you can specify a range of IP addresses from your school network in the Seesaw dashboard. When trusted IP address ranges are specified for a school, students using Seesaw outside of your school network will not be able to see OTHER students' work. This means that anyone who has access to the student's home computer or device will not see other students' work. Students will still be able to sign in at home at any time, and this will not impact family or teacher accounts.

If you specify a Trusted Network range, make sure to let teachers know that students won't be able to see or comment on other classmates's work at home!

How to set up Trusted IP Networks:

1. Sign into your admin account at on a web browser.

2. Tap the gear icon in the upper right corner of the school dashboard.

3. Tap 'Trusted Networks'.


4. Enter the external, public network range for your school. Please DO NOT enter the internal range (e.g., or If you are unsure what your public network range is for your school, you can use a tool like to see what your public IP address currently is!


Please note that most schools have more than one IP address. It's important to specify your school range using the CIDR format.

This format allows you to specify how many IP addresses you have at your school.

For example: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/24 represents a just a single IP address (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX in this example) where as something like represents the range of addresses from - 


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