How to create a professional development class in Seesaw

null Audience: Teachers with School and District subscriptions

Creating a Professional Development class can be helpful when training your teachers on how to use Seesaw! We have created this step-by-step guide to walk you through adding a Professional Development class to your account.  

How to Create a Professional Development Class

  1. Make a copy of the PD Class Template
  2. Fill in columns A-C with your email address, first name, and last name.
  3. Tap File → Download As → comma-separated values (CSV)
  4. Log in to your school dashboard
  5. Tap Overview tab → Import & Edit Class Rosters → Select CSV from Computer
  6. Follow the prompts to finish uploading your Class


Adjust Class Settings: You may want to turn OFF settings like item approval, comment approval, etc., and turn ON 'Students' can see each other's work', and student editing, so ideas can flow without approval each time.

From the school dashboard, tap on the Classes tab, find the PD class, and tap [...] > 'Class Settings' to make these changes. 

Teachers can also use Sample Student in any of their classes to demo activities, try out adding posts to journals, and more!



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