The Activities View provides a complete overview of student progress on Activities assigned to classes in Seesaw.
With Progress, teachers and admins with Seesaw subscriptions can easily view and understand student progress in Seesaw.
The Activities View gives teachers a high-level view of how students are progressing on Activities assigned within their Seesaw classes.
- Tap the Progress tab.
- Tap Activities View.
- Filter by date range in the upper left corner.
Filter by student name(s), student group(s), folders, Skills, or Activities.
Fine-tune your filters and search for activities by status of Scheduled, Assigned, and/or Archived by checking and unchecking the box.
Search for activities with formative assessments associated with them by checking the box.
Users can search within a filter and choose one filter or multiple filters at once for ultimate flexibility.
Activity Summary
You can see how many students have completed each Activity across the top of the Activities View. The number of Activities each student has completed will appear next to the student names.
If an assignment has formative assessment scores, show the number correct/total number of questions with a color coding:
- Dark Green: Number of students with 90-100% of questions correct (of questions that have a correct answer)
- Green: Number of students with 75%-89% of questions correct
- Yellow: Number of students with 60%-74% of questions correct
- Red: Number of students with 0-59% of questions correct
- Grey: No response
Student Summary
Each checkmark in the grid indicates whether that assignment has been completed or not for that student.
- Grey dash = Not started
- Orange check = Draft
- Green unfilled check = waiting for teacher approval
- Green filled check = approved and completed
Student Skills rating
If an activity has a Skill that has been rated, the rating will appear. Note: scores are still available to view if you hover over the Skill rating.
If you need more information about an Activity, want to view an individual Activity response post, or need to approve a student response, select that specific part of the Activities View for more information.
You can change the Progress colour scheme for the Activities View and Skills View in your class. tap the Class Settings wrench. Select Activities and Skills Colour Scheme.