Setting up Seesaw for remote learning

3.png Audience: School and District Admins with School and District subscriptions

Seesaw gives pupils the tools they need to access meaningful learning experiences anywhere they sign in to Seesaw. When school has to close unexpectedly, teachers and pupils have what they need to keep learning going.

📖 Check out more Seesaw Admin resources here and remote learning resources here!

The best way for pupils to sign in to the Class app at home is with Home Learning Codes. Created specifically for home learning, codes are unique to each student and protect privacy while pupils learn from home.

💡 Good to know!

  • You do not need to change your school’s sign-in mode.
  • Enable teachers to get codes: Toggle ON ‘Let Teachers Get Codes’.
  • Once signed in with a Home Learning Code, pupils stay signed in for a year.
  • Students using email sign-in can continue to do so from home. If pupils are using email sign-in at home, please make sure your IP range allows pupils to complete assignments at home. Learn more here.
Accessing Home Learning Student Codes as an Administrator
  1. On a computer, sign in to your Seesaw for Schools administrator account.
  2. From the Overview tab of your School Dashboard, go to Admin Tools (lower right hand) and click Get Home Learning Student Codes.
  3. Follow the instructions in the pop-up.
  4. From here, you can also toggle on a setting that will allow teachers to access these codes.
  5. You will receive an email with a secure link to download a CSV.
  6. Share codes with pupils and families, making sure each receives only their code. You can distribute in whatever method you think is best!
  7. Support pupils to sign in by sharing this ‘Sign in with a code’ video.

Alternatively, you can do this on a class-by-class basis in the 'class settings' section of the Class tab on the admin dashboard. See how teachers can change these settings with the instructions here.

How do I reset Home Learning Codes?

If you need to reset a code, tap the Class tab > Class Settings > Home Learning Code. From there you can reset a code for an entire class or an individual student.

Why can’t pupils sign in at home the same way they sign in while in school?
Our official recommendation is to use Home Learning Codes when pupils sign in to the Seesaw app at home. Home Learning Codes are unique to each student. They protect privacy by ensuring pupils only see their own work without you needing to adjust any settings. If you want pupils to sign in with email, Google, Microsoft, Okta, Clever, or ClassLink at home, you must turn OFF ‘Students can see each other’s work’ in Schoolwide Settings. Students should never use a Class Code to sign in at home, because it gives them access to other pupils’ Journals.
If I use Home Learning Codes, do I need to change my school sign-in mode?
You do not need to change any settings to use Home Learning Codes. One benefit of using Home Learning Codes is that pupils can go back and forth using Seesaw at home and at school without you needing to change any settings.
Do pupils need a different Home Learning Code for each class?

With Seesaw for Schools, pupils only need one Home Learning Code to access all of their classes.

Do pupils have access to all the same features and tools if they sign in with Home Learning Codes?
Students can post to their Journal, respond to Activities, comment on their own posts, and see
comments from the teacher. The only thing they cannot do when they sign in with Home Learning Codes is see or comment on each other’s work. This is to protect privacy while pupils are at home.
Help! My pupils Home Learning Codes aren’t working!
Make sure pupils are signing in to the Class app, NOT the Family app. Then make sure pupils are
typing the text code correctly and/or holding the QR code far enough away so the entire code is scanned.
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