How to tag Standards to Activities and Posts

3.png Audience: Teachers with school and district subscriptions

Skills are transitioning to Sitewide Standards
In June 2024, all premium school and district customers were transitioned to Sitewide Standards. Teachers can download and export existing Skills before December 2024. Seesaw Plus (legacy) customers can continue using Skills and download data until December 2024. 💡 Learn more about Sitewide Standards!

Teachers can use Standards to see student progress towards goals in real time. Standards are selected and set at the district level by district Administrators. Teachers cannot create Standards. Activities from the Seesaw Library and the School and District Library automatically have standards attached. Teachers can review Standards and add or remove Standards from an Activity. Teachers can also tag Standards to an Activity when creating a new Activity. 
New to Standards? Get started with our Learn more with Getting started with Sitewide Standards!

Removing auto-tagged Standards on Activities from the Resource Library
  1. Standards are displayed in the Activity view of all Activities from the Seesaw Resource Library.
  2. When assigning an Activity, navigate to the graduation cap icon under Organize.
  3. Tap Edit.
  4. To remove any tagged Standards, simply uncheck any Standards you want to remove.
Adding Standards to Activities from the Resource Library
  1. When assigning an Activity, navigate to the graduation cap icon under Organize.
  2. Tap Edit.
  3. To add Standards, toggle on All Standards.
  4.  To search Standards, filter by state, grade, subject, or search by code or description.
  5. Tap the checkbox of any Standard you want to add, and tap Save Tags.


Tagging Standards to a new Activity
  1. While in the Create Activity flow, navigate to Standards and tap Choose.
  2. Search for Standards, and filter by state, grade, subject, or search by code or description. 
  3. Tap the checkbox of any Standard you want to add, and tap Save Tags.


Tagging Standards to a Student post
  1. In the Student Journal, go to a student post. 
  2. Tap on the graduation cap icon.

  3. Search for Standards, and filter by state, grade, subject, or search by code or description. 
  4. Tap the checkbox of any Standard you want to add, and tap the green Check.



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