About Connected Blogs

3.png Audience: Seesaw Teachers

Teachers can connect to other classrooms through Seesaw Connected Blogs. Once a blog is enabled, teachers can connect to other Seesaw blogs to create a list of approved blogs that their students can access from inside Seesaw.

With Seesaw Connected Blogs, students can collaborate with students in other classes, leave comments, and develop digital citizenship skills. Everything happens within the Seesaw app or website so it is simple, safe, and teacher-moderated.

To connect to another blog, you will need the Seesaw blog URL from the other teacher. Find a blog to connect to and add your blog here!

How do I connect to a blog? 
  1. Search for a blog you'd like to connect to in the Seesaw Connected Blogs sheet and save URL.
  2. Tap the wrench icon.
  3. Tap Connected Blogs.
  4. Tap + Connect to Blog.
  5. Enter in the Blog URL and hit the green Check.
How do I access Connected Blogs on iPads, Android tablets, or the web?
  1. Tap the globe icon.
  2. Tap Connected Blogs in the upper right.
  3. Select a blog from the list.
How do I access Connected Blogs on iPhone or Android smartphones?
  1. Tap Class Blog.
  2. Tap the top navigation bar and select Connected Blogs.
  3. Select a blog from the list.
How do I disconnect from a blog?
  1. Tap the wrench icon.
  2. Tap Connected Blogs.
  3. Tap Remove next to the blog you want to remove.
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