Introduction to Seesaw Administrator accounts

3.png Audience: District Admins and School Admins

There are two types of Administrator accounts in Seesaw: District Administrator and School Administrator. 

School and District Administrator views and privileges on a School Dashboard are identical.

The Overview Tab provides weekly engagement data for students and families, and allows admins to do most of their school-wide management from Admin Tools.

There are a few things District Admins can do that School Admins can not. They can search for people in the district by email or Clever/ClassLink ID and view basic information. They also have access to the Roster Sync Dashboard if they are using Clever or ClassLink.

School Administrator District Administrator
  • Has access to the school dashboard(s) that they are connected to.
  • Can update schoolwide settings.
  • Can add/update data within their school (teachers, students, classes).
  • Can add/remove School-level Administrators.
  • Can manage trusted domains for their school.
  • Can manage Messages settings for their school.
  • School Admin are synced from Clever/ClassLink to Seesaw automatically.



  • Has access to all school dashboards connected to their District Dashboard.
  • Can update schoolwide settings.
  • Can add/update data at any school in the district (teachers, students, classes).
  • Can add/remove School-level and District-level Administrators.
  • Can manage trusted domains for their district.
  • Can manage Messages settings for their district.
  • Has access to the Roster Sync Dashboard.
  • Can manage the Clever/ClassLink/Seesaw sync

District Admins are not synced from Clever/ClassLink to Seesaw automatically.



What data is available to Admins? 
Admins can view all active and archived classes that are connected to their school, as well as student and teacher accounts enrolled in any of those classes. They can view connected family members, school-wide skills, announcements, and engagement analytics. 

Each of these are accessible on their corresponding tab on the Dashboard. 

How current is the data? 
Data is typically up to date within the last 24 hours. 

How far back can an admin view historic data? 
Admins can view data from any previous year as long as the class where the data is posted is in their school (including archived). If an admin is having trouble finding older posts, the student likely has an additional account that was used on the free version of Seesaw, and the duplicate accounts were not merged.

Who does the archiving and what does archived mean?
Teachers can archive classes. Admins can archive classes and students. Archived means the student/class still lives on the dashboard but is considered inactive. This removes classes from student and teacher class lists and removes students from the license count for the school. Both can still be accessed if necessary.

Note: Clever/ClassLink classes can only be archived by Admin (or the sync).

When admins set school-wide settings or go into a teacher's settings, does this lock the settings? Can teachers revert them?
When admins adjust school-wide settings, they are locked in and cannot be changed by teachers. Teachers can change settings that are not managed at the school level.


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