Formative Assessments are lightweight assessments that teachers perform daily to quickly gauge student understanding as the class progresses through a unit.
Teachers are able to combine the time savings of auto-grading with the power of multimodal tools to get deeper insights into student learning to target support and guide instruction.
ℹ️ Formative assessment creation is available for customers with paid subscriptions. Seesaw Starter teachers can use activities with formative assessments on them, but not modify.
With Formative Assessment, there is no need to do quick understanding checks or use another quiz app. You can do everything in Seesaw! Formative Assessment provides low-stakes practice for standardized tests in a mini-quiz format.
K-6 Teachers: Get immediate insights into who understands and who needs more support.
K-2 Teachers: Drag and drop format designed for young learners. Create questions with shapes, images, emoji, and more! Start the year with pre-assessments that are ready to use, created by our Curriculum team.
3-6 Teachers: Formative Assessment offers two flexible formats for quizzes and polls. Students learn the test-taking format, while also explaining their thinking in multiple ways.
Questions can be added to new activities or existing activities in the Resource Library. Teachers select from several question types: multiple choice, true/false, poll, drag and drop sort. Teachers then write a question with a list of possible response options, and indicate which response options are correct. All of Seesaw’s multimodal tools can be used along with questions so teachers can scaffold assignments, especially for younger learners or ELLs. Teachers can also search for relevant questions on a wide variety of educational topics with our AI-powered Find Questions tool, so it's quicker to create formative assessment activities.
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💡Check out our Help Center article for step-by-step instructions on creating Formative Assessment questions!
Teachers are equipped with live student response data that enables responsive instruction and differentiation. Teachers can show results reports to students and families after their work is approved by the teacher. Additionally, teachers can share Progress Reports easily via Messages to families or other support staff.
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💡Check out our Help Centre article for step-by-step instructions on Reporting!
Students can use all of Seesaw's creative multimodal tools alongside formative assessment questions to explain their thinking. Questions grow with students to support their evolving developmental needs, from intuitive drag and drop format for younger learners to multiple choice format for upper elementary.
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💡Check out our Help Centre article for a deeper look at the student experience with Formative Assessment!