How to create accounts for teachers and students

There are a few different ways you can set up teachers who don't have classes in your SIS.

⚠️ The preferred method to create accounts for teachers and students is to import class rosters. Importing class rosters automatically creates accounts for teachers and students, saving you time and effort.

For steps on how to import class rosters, please view our Help Centre article on importing class rosters.

Creating a Teacher Account
  1. Click on the Teachers tab.
  2. Select the Add Individual Teacher tab.
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  3. Enter the teacher First Name, Last Name, and Teacher Email.
  4. Click Create Teacher Account button.
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Creating a Student Account
  1. Click on the Students tab.
  2. Select the Add Individual Student tab.
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  3. Enter the student First Name, Last Name, Student ID, Student Email, and Student Password.
  4. Click Add Student button.
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Bulk Add and Edit tool for Teachers
  1. Another way you can add teachers and students to your dashboard who aren’t in your SIS is via the Bulk Edit tool.
  2. Click on the Teachers tab.
  3. Tap Add or Edit Teachers in Bulk.
  4. To add new teachers, tap Add NEW teachers.CleanShot 2024-04-01 at 11.13.45.png
  5. Download the Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets template. Enter the downloaded spreadsheet with the info of the teachers you would like to add, to export it as a CSV.CleanShot 2024-04-01 at 11.16.40.png
  6. Back at the CSV Bulk Edit tool, tap Continue, then tap Select CSV from Computer to upload your new teachers’ data.
  7. Tap Continue and review your changes!
Bulk Add and Edit tool for Students
Another way you can add students to your dashboard who aren’t in your SIS is via the Bulk Edit tool. You can learn how to bulk add or bulk edit here.
  1. Click on the Students tab.
  2. Tap Add or Edit Students in Bulk.
  3. To add new teachers, tap Add NEW students.CleanShot 2024-04-01 at 11.17.18.png
  4. Download the Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets template.
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  5. Enter the downloaded spreadsheet with the info of the students you would like to add, to export it as a CSV.
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  6. Back at the CSV Bulk Edit tool, tap Continue, then tap Select CSV from Computer to upload your new students data.
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  7. Tap Continue and review your changes!
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