How Students use Frames in Activities

Students of all ages can easily demonstrate their learning using Seesaw Frames. Seesaw Frames are intelligent shapes that allow students to add photos, videos, and more in specific areas.
New to Frames? Get started with How to use Frames in Seesaw Creative Tools.

Check out the instructions below to learn more about how students use Frames!


  1. Students can tap or click anywhere within a Frame. For Frames that have a single tool shortcut, this will automatically open the appropriate tool. For example, clicking on a Photo shortcut will open the camera.

  2. "Student Choice" Frames require a student to select which tool they'd like to use to record their response. In these cases, a modal will appear with a shortcut to the available tools.

    CleanShot 2024-06-28 at 17.57.21@2x.png

    Please note: PDF files cannot be uploaded using Frames, even with the upload option.

  3. Once a student completes the action with the tool, their work will then be uploaded to the canvas and resized to fit the maximum width or height of the frame.

  4. Students can click on the 3 dots menu to resize, move, and edit the object in any way they'd like. Students can also use the Creative Tools via the shortcuts on the left.

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