Looking for a migrated announcement or conversation from Legacy Inbox/Announcements in Messages?
Migrated messages are "split" into threads in Messages using the following criteria:
Migrated Announcements are labelled with the Class/School name and split into threads for each teacher or admin that sent announcements to the class or school, as well as which roles (students, families, teachers) and classes the announcement was sent to:
Class announcement: Sent to only one class by a teacher
Looks like: <CLASS NAME> Announcement: [Students / Families / Students and Families]
Looks like: <CLASS NAME> Announcement: [Students / Families / Students and Families]
School announcement: Sent to multiple classes by a school admin
- Looks like: <SCHOOL NAME> Announcement: [Families / Students / Teachers] in # Classes
Migrated 1:1 Family Messages are labelled with the Family name, with the student name and class below the family name
Looks like: [Family Name]: Family of [Student Name] in [Class]
- Hint: If student messaging is available for your school, you can search for the student name to find and message connected family members.
- If you previously had multiple message threads with the same family member, they will show up in the same message thread.
If you would prefer to organise your message threads a different way, you have the following options:
- Label Your Message Threads: Using the 3 dots menu, you can label the message thread with something descriptive, so that recipients can more easily identify the message thread.
- Create New Message Threads: Using the “Create New” button, you can create brand new message threads with the recipients that you want to message in your class or school. Any messages sent to the same group of recipients will continue in the same message thread. Learn more about creating new announcements and conversations here.
Archived Classes: Message threads from classes archived before Summer 2022 were not migrated to the new Messages experience. If you want to see message threads from archived classes:
- unarchive the class to migrate those messages over to your class.
- Re-archive the class from there and the messages will stay in your inbox!
Please note that these messages will remain in your inbox. Recipients are removed from the announcements or group chats, but the messages remain for teachers to reference.
The Seesaw Team is continuing to update the Messages experience and have a few additional features for organizing your message threads coming soon!
If you have additional questions or feedback about Messages, you can reach out to our Support Team here.