How do teachers and pupils post to the blog

👤 Audience: Seesaw Teachers

How do teachers and pupils post to the class blog?

Once you have a blog enabled, you and your pupils will be able to post to your blog.

  1. Tap the folder icon below the post.
  2. Tap the Post Visibility drop-down menu.
  3. Choose the Blog option.
  4. Tap the green Check.
  5. The post will now appear in your class blog.

All posts pupils add to the blog require teacher approval before they go live on the blog.

How do I view a student blog post?

Tap on Notifications to review items in your approval queue. 

How do I approve, send back, or delete a student blog post?

At the bottom of the post, select Approve, Send Back, or Delete.

Note: Teachers must re-approve the post after removing the publish to blog request for the post to show back up in the student’s journal.

How do I prevent pupils from posting to the blog?

If you do not want pupils to be able to post to the blog, you can disable this feature in Manage Class > Blog.  

  1. Tap the wrench icon.
  2. Turn Students can post to blog OFF.
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