How to send an assignment to your pupils

You can easily create and share activities for your pupils to complete in Seesaw. Get inspired with grade-level-specific activities from the Seesaw Resource Library, or create your own! Free Seesaw accounts can create up to 100 activities, teachers previewing Seesaw's Premium Features can create up to 500 activities, and Seesaw for Schools accounts have access to unlimited activities.    

  1. Tap the green +Add button, then select Assign Activity.CleanShot 2024-03-29 at 14.14.51.png
  2. In My Library tap Create Activity or Assessment, or select or customize an activity from the Seesaw Library. CleanShot 2024-03-29 at 14.16.03.png
  3. If desired, edit the activity by tapping Edit Activity.
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  4. You can edit the activity name, template, instructions, and teacher notes.
  5. Tap Save.
  6. Select the activity start date and due date.CleanShot 2024-03-29 at 14.24.38.png
  7. Tap 'Edit Students and Groups' to select Student Groups and/or Students who you would like to assign the activity to.
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  8. Tap Save.
  9. Choose any skills you would like to associate with the assignment.
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  10. Select the folder(s) where you want the activity to live.
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  11. Tap Assign Now.

All assigned activities will appear in the Activities tab in your Seesaw class. Students will tap the Activities tab to see new activities.




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