Audience: Teachers with School and District subscriptions
Skills are transitioning to Sitewide Standards
In June 2024, all premium school and district customers were transitioned to Sitewide Standards. Teachers can download and export existing Skills before December 2024. Seesaw Plus (legacy) customers can continue using Skills and download data until December 2024. 💡 Learn more about Sitewide Standards!
Teachers can use Skills to see student progress towards goals in real time. Teachers can edit Skills, archive Skills, and export Skills.
🌟 New to Skills? Get started with our Skills overview!
Skills are shared across all of your classes. You only need to add Skills once, and then you can use them across any class that you are a teacher on.
If you’d like your Skills to be displayed for classes in multiple grades, change your Skills to be available to 'All' grades.
- Tap the wrench icon.
- Navigate to the Progress section.
- Tap Manage Skills.
- Tap on a Skill.
- Tap edit in the top right corner.
- Change Grade to All.
- Tap the green Check again to save.
To change the Skills colour scheme in your class:
- Tap the wrench icon.
- Navigate to the Progress section.
- Tap Manage Skills.
- Tap the colour scheme chart to change your colour scheme to one of four different colour scheme options.
For instructions on how to change the Skill rating scale in Seesaw click here!
You can edit the Skills stars on a post by tapping the graduation cap icon at the bottom of a post, then tap the number of stars you want to assign.
To archive a skill:
1. Go into an individual class.
2. Tap the wrench icon.
3. Tap Manage Skills.
4. Tap Archive.
If you have posts tagged with this skill, the skill will not disappear from the Skills Grid. You will need to untag all posts and then archive the skill to remove it completely from your view. We do not have a faster way to fully delete a skill at this time.
To export a Skill:
1. Navigate to the Progress tab.
2. Select Skills View.
3. Tap Export.
4. Select your date range.
5. Tap Export.
- Student Name: Student’s display name
- Student ID: Seesaw for Schools ID for this student
- Student Last Active Date: The last day and time that the student performed any action in Seesaw
- Skill Name: Name of the skill tagged on this post
- Skill Quick Code: Quick code for this skill
- Skill Subject: Subject for this skill
- Skill Category: Category for this skill
- Skill Grade Level: Grade level for this skill
- Student Post Skill Rating: Rating that the student received on this post for this skill
- Student Post Create Date: The date and time the student post was created
- Student Post Link: Link to this student post (requires sign in)
- Activity Name: Name of the activity if this student post is an activity response
- Activity Assigned Date: If this post is an activity response, the date and time the activity was assigned
- Folders: Folders tagged on this student post
- Questions: Number of questions on the activity
- Questions Correct: Number of correct answers to questions on the activity
- Questions Incorrect: Number of incorrect answers to questions on the activity
- Questions Score: Number of questions correct / number of questions incorrect
- Question Score Percentage: % of correct questions on the activity
- Polls: Number of poll type questions in the assignment